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Hostile Work Environment? 5 Tips for Preparing a Written Grievance

Man Having Hostile Work Environment — Birmingham, AL — Allen D. Arnold Attorney at Law

Confronting and resolving a hostile work environment is one of the most challenging things many employees have to deal with. After all, if you like your job or your company, or simply have a family to feed and bills to pay, you may worry about everything from confronting your boss to losing your job. And one crucial aspect of most paths toward resolution is giving a written grievance to your employer.

How should you approach the written complaint to ensure the best outcome? Here are five key tips.

1. Research the Process

Start by researching any rules or guidelines within your company on the subject of written grievance processes. Look for guidance in the employee handbook, hiring documentation, employee portal, and mandatory signage posted at your workplace. If covered by a union, consult the union for direction on their guidelines and requirements.

Internal procedures are different at each company, so it's important to follow the rules laid out by yours. Some companies may require you to address the complaint with a supervisor before contacting Human Resources, for example, whereas others might work through HR for all grievances. If the company uses a “1-800” telephone hotline, remember that the associate is trained to take down your comments in a way that looks poorly on you and helps the company – request a fax number and send in a written complaint!

2. Work With an Attorney

A legal professional will help you avoid mistakes when formulating, responding to, or discussing your grievance. Accurate wording and following the rules is important in written documentation if you need to pursue further legal action. Even, for instance, failure to name whom the complaint is addressed to could give the employer room to argue that they were not aware of certain allegations.

3. Be Professional

Emotions are often charged when a person works in a hostile environment. A grievance, though, is much more likely to be taken seriously if it is made with a relatively calm demeanor. This doesn't mean that you should downplay how the harassment or discriminatory behavior makes you feel. But it does mean that you should work to find the right words to express yourself.

You might, for instance, start the letter by expressing how much you've enjoyed working for this company or how your position stimulates you, but make sure you say in the same sentence that the experience has deteriorated. This lets the company know that you aren't here just to cause trouble and you need help fixing a problem. Then, explain how the current situation has robbed you of that enjoyment and how you want to return to a positive work relationship with your employer.

4. Detail Your Complaint

Before drafting a formal, written complaint, you should have amassed detailed evidence. Details would include things like the dates and times of incidents, names of witnesses, specific descriptions of what happened and who was involved, and any response by management or supervisors. Like the old TV show Dragnet, “Just the facts!”

Of course, you probably have too much documentation for a single letter, so you may need to find a focus for this particular step. You might include only the most egregious incidents or create a clear timeline showing how long it has been going on, for example. Work with your attorney to determine which details and incidents to include in order to bolster your case.

5. Request a Meeting

The written documentation is only one part of the puzzle as you get the situation resolved. You should also request a follow-up in person. Even if this is difficult for you, a person-to-person meeting is an additional opportunity to prove your case or provide further details. It also shows that you take this seriously and will follow through with whatever is necessary. Alabama is a “one-consent” recording state, meaning you may record conversations you are a part of without telling the other side. (However, NEVER record other conversations that you are not a part of). 

Want help with your written grievance? Start by consulting with the employment law professionals at  Allen D. Arnold Attorney at Law . We can help you successfully navigate this process and any other steps you need to take in order to resolve your hostile work environment. Call today to make an appointment.

Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Notice: No Representation is made that the quality of legal services offered is greater than that of other lawyers. The information contained on this website is not a substitute for legal advice, and reading it does not create an attorney-client relationship.

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